Word Wall
Rhythm Beat Long Short Sixteenths Eighth Note Quarter Note Half Note Dotted Half Note Whole Note Quarter Rest Half Rest Whole Rest Time Signature Measure Bar Line Final Bar Line Tie
Melody Up Down High Low Pitch Step Skip Staff Treble Clef Bass Clef Scale Mode Major Minor Ledger line Slur Sharp Flat Natural Solfege abcdefg
Harmony A capella Unison Ostinato Partner Song Canon/Round Accompaniment Chord Duet
Form Pattern AB, ABA Echo Verse/Refrain Solo/Chorus Question and answer Call and response Rondo Theme and Variation Repeat sign 1st and 2nd Endings D.S. Dal Sengo D.C. Da Capo Introduction Interlude Coda al fine Segno/Sign
Expression Mood Major Minor Dynamics Loud Quiet Forte Piano Mezzo piano Mezzo forte Crescendo Decrescendo Accent Saccato Legato Tempo Largo Adgio Andante Moderato Allegro Presto Accelerando Ritardando Fermata
Timbre Body Percussion Snap Clap Pat Stomp Rhythm Instruments Metals Woods Drums Melody Instruments Orchestra Band Chorus Woodwind String Brass Percussion Voice Singing Speaking Whisper
Perform Create Sing Play Strike Shake Scrape Pluck Compose Improvise Dance Musician Composer Performer Conductor Audience Concert Maestro
History/Style Baroque Classical Romantic 20th Century Big Band/Swing Jazz Modern
Composers Bach Hayden Beethoven Tchaikovsky Ravel Stravinsky Joplin Sousa John Williams Elvis Presley Beach Boys Beatles Berlioz
Rhythm Beat Long Short Sixteenths Eighth Note Quarter Note Half Note Dotted Half Note Whole Note Quarter Rest Half Rest Whole Rest Time Signature Measure Bar Line Final Bar Line Tie
Melody Up Down High Low Pitch Step Skip Staff Treble Clef Bass Clef Scale Mode Major Minor Ledger line Slur Sharp Flat Natural Solfege abcdefg
Harmony A capella Unison Ostinato Partner Song Canon/Round Accompaniment Chord Duet
Form Pattern AB, ABA Echo Verse/Refrain Solo/Chorus Question and answer Call and response Rondo Theme and Variation Repeat sign 1st and 2nd Endings D.S. Dal Sengo D.C. Da Capo Introduction Interlude Coda al fine Segno/Sign
Expression Mood Major Minor Dynamics Loud Quiet Forte Piano Mezzo piano Mezzo forte Crescendo Decrescendo Accent Saccato Legato Tempo Largo Adgio Andante Moderato Allegro Presto Accelerando Ritardando Fermata
Timbre Body Percussion Snap Clap Pat Stomp Rhythm Instruments Metals Woods Drums Melody Instruments Orchestra Band Chorus Woodwind String Brass Percussion Voice Singing Speaking Whisper
Perform Create Sing Play Strike Shake Scrape Pluck Compose Improvise Dance Musician Composer Performer Conductor Audience Concert Maestro
History/Style Baroque Classical Romantic 20th Century Big Band/Swing Jazz Modern
Composers Bach Hayden Beethoven Tchaikovsky Ravel Stravinsky Joplin Sousa John Williams Elvis Presley Beach Boys Beatles Berlioz